На все лесные участки, предоставленные в пользование или аренду, должны быть разработаны проекты освоения лесов. В проекте освоения лесов прописываются цели использования лесного участка, взятого в аренду, и будущие мероприятия, которые арендатор должен провести на участке.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
What will we do for you?
Prepare the necessary documents for the conclusion of a lease agreement for a land (forest) site
Fill out and submit a forest declaration to the state or local government.
Develop/ design a forest development project for all permitted forest uses.
Guarantee a positive conclusion of the state expert examination
Prepare a report on the use of the forest area, a report on the protection of forests from fires, a report on the security of forests, forest reproduction and afforestation
Provide support for entering information about the land (forest) site in the Unified State Register of Property Rights.
Provide support for the conclusion and registration of forest land lease agreements, subleases, agreements on the establishment of an easement, agreements on the transfer of rights and obligations.
Obtain permits for the production of works.
Help you apply the "forest amnesty" by collecting documents for transfer to the local authorized authority
Prepare the necessary documents for the conclusion of a lease agreement for a land (forest) site
Fill out and submit a forest declaration to the state or local government.
Develop/ design a forest development project for all permitted forest uses.
Guarantee a positive conclusion of the state expert examination
Prepare a report on the use of the forest area, a report on the protection of forests from fires, a report on the security of forests, forest reproduction and afforestation
Provide support for entering information about the land (forest) site in the Unified State Register of Property Rights.
Provide support for the conclusion and registration of forest land lease agreements, subleases, agreements on the establishment of an easement, agreements on the transfer of rights and obligations.
Obtain permits for the production of works.
Help you apply the "forest amnesty" by collecting documents for transfer to the local authorized authority
* The composition of each of the services can be formed according to your requirements