+7 (499) 673-99-97
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Transfer of land

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To change the category of forest land means to transfer land from one category to another, including land of the forest fund in the land of locality, in the land of agricultural purposes and in the land of industry.
Specialists at Roslesinforg will help you prepare the relevant documents and will fully accompany the customer during the transfer.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What will we do for you?


Coordinate and approve the act of selecting the land (forest) site and the act of its full-scale technical inspection


Prepare a package of documents for the transfer of a land or forest site from one category to another


Fill out all the necessary application forms, write draft letters and make a request for transfer


Perform the necessary cadastral work


Prepare a package of documents and provide support for changes in the Unified State Register of Property Rights of the land site


Coordinate and approve the act of selecting the land (forest) site and the act of its full-scale technical inspection


Prepare a package of documents for the transfer of a land or forest site from one category to another


Fill out all the necessary application forms, write draft letters and make a request for transfer


Perform the necessary cadastral work


Prepare a package of documents and provide support for changes in the Unified State Register of Property Rights of the land site

* The composition of each of the services can be formed according to your requirements

Fill out the FORM to receive the service: Transfer of land

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Attach the documents to the forest plot
File types: doc, docx, odt, rtf, pdf, png, jpg, tif, tiff, zip, rar.
The total number of files is no more than 15, the total size is no more than 5 MB.