+7 (499) 673-99-97
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Topography, geodesy and cartography

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What will we do for you?


Fix the location of the boundaries of the lease areas of the forest fund with forest management signs on the block glades and the boundaries of the forest areas


Make the boundaries in nature (note), set the boundary signs


Perform various-scale topographic and geodetic surveys


Produce orthophotoplanes and diagrams, and carry out the decoding of remote sensing materials


Fix the location of the boundaries of the lease areas of the forest fund with forest management signs on the block glades and the boundaries of the forest areas


Make the boundaries in nature (note), set the boundary signs


Perform various-scale topographic and geodetic surveys


Produce orthophotoplanes and diagrams, and carry out the decoding of remote sensing materials

* The composition of each of the services can be formed according to your requirements

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