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Forest plans and forestry regulations

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The forest plan is a planning and control tool. It defines the main directions of forest use and reproduction. Regions are required to develop forest plans for a period of 10 years.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What will we do for you?


Form a map-scheme. They will indicate the boundaries of forest areas, as well as the areas that the lessee plans to develop


Develop and agree on a draft of forest plan or on a draft of forestry regulations for a forestry district in a standard form


Determine the type of permitted use of forests, as well as make changes to the rules for the use of forest sites


Calculate the volume of forest use and other parameters of their permitted use


Design measures for the protection, security, and reproduction of forests


Continuously interact with the executive authorities until the approval of the forest plan of the subject or the forestry regulations of forestry


Form a map-scheme. They will indicate the boundaries of forest areas, as well as the areas that the lessee plans to develop


Develop and agree on a draft of forest plan or on a draft of forestry regulations for a forestry district in a standard form


Determine the type of permitted use of forests, as well as make changes to the rules for the use of forest sites


Calculate the volume of forest use and other parameters of their permitted use


Design measures for the protection, security, and reproduction of forests


Continuously interact with the executive authorities until the approval of the forest plan of the subject or the forestry regulations of forestry

* The composition of each of the services can be formed according to your requirements

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