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Forest management

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Material assessment of the state of forests, as well as the design of measures aimed at rational use, reproduction, protection and protection of forests, increasing their productivity and sustainability in any region of Russia. Roslesinforg will collect, prepare the necessary information and documents, and then carry out all types of forest management work stipulated by law.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What will we do for you?


We will agree on forest management in the regional authority.


Let's fix the boundaries on the ground.


Let's define the purpose and type of permitted use of forests.


We will carry out forest inventory in one of four ways.


We will design measures for the protection, reproduction and protection of forests for the forestry, district forestry, forest quarter, forest inventory allotment.


We will draw up a plan of the forest, describing the age and species of trees growing on it in digital format.


We will generate reporting documents for the territory of the forestry in digital format:


We will continuously interact with the executive authorities until a positive conclusion of the state examination.


We will agree on forest management in the regional authority.


Let's fix the boundaries on the ground.


Let's define the purpose and type of permitted use of forests.


We will carry out forest inventory in one of four ways.


We will design measures for the protection, reproduction and protection of forests for the forestry, district forestry, forest quarter, forest inventory allotment.


We will draw up a plan of the forest, describing the age and species of trees growing on it in digital format.


We will generate reporting documents for the territory of the forestry in digital format:

  • afforestation plans;
  • forest management boards;
  • schema maps;
  • GPS maps, including maps for navigation systems;
  • Forms of the State Forest Register;
  • statements of planned measures for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests;
  • overlaid attribute databases.

We will continuously interact with the executive authorities until a positive conclusion of the state examination.

* The composition of each of the services can be formed according to your requirements

Fill out the FORM to receive the service: Forest management

Recipient Data
Attach the documents to the forest plot
File types: doc, docx, odt, rtf, pdf, png, jpg, tif, tiff, zip, rar.
The total number of files is no more than 15, the total size is no more than 5 MB.